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In this module of the Adventure Mahayana series, we look at the first five of the six paramitas: generosity, ethical discipline, patience, joyful effort, and meditation. These "perfections" form the basis for a practice that leads to enlightenment.
In this module in the Adventure Mahayana series, Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi teaches the last of the six paramitas: wisdom. Wisdom is like a guide for the prior five paramitas. And without wisdom, the other paramitas will not be of much benefit.
The Adventure Mahayana series ended with an online retreat that focused on meditation. Acharya Lama Kelzang and Acharya Lama Sönam give instructions for our continuous meditation path and we will practice together.
During this part of the Adventure Mahayana series, Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi teaches on the 37 factors of enlightenment. What qualities do we develop through hese practices and how do these factors lead us to enlightenment?
The central element on the Mahayana path is loving-kindness and compassion. How can we keep our hearts open and full of love and care for others, especially when we meet difficult circumstances?
This weekend in the Adventure Mahayana series, Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi teaches about the three kayas and the enlightened qualities and activities of a Buddha, which we ourselves will develop and manifest at the end of our path.
Amitabha and Bardo practice: meditations, prayers and rituals for the sick and the deceased with Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi und Acharya Lama Sönam Rabgye.
This weekend will demonstrate the Dream-Bardo and the Karmic Bardo of Becoming.
In turbulent times, finding our ground within helps us stay balanced and resilient. This retreat will introduce and explore essence love as the ground of the feeling world and innate wisdom awareness as the ground of the mind.
The view and practice of trekchö presents the mind essence as the ground of liberation and omniscience. This retreat will explore the mind essence in order to deepen our experience and move towards increased stability.
According to the view of Buddha Nature the 5 negative Emotions are not different from the nature of mind and carry within themselves the potential to their transformation and liberation as qualities. This the Five Buddha-Wisdoms can unfold. On this weekend Lama Sönam will explain this view and guide respective meditations.
The presentation covers recent research into Karma Pakshi's life.
Acharya Lama Sönam Rabgye will help us to gain a deeper understanding of karma and rebirth and we will examine how this relates to our practice and actions in daily life. We will also explore the question of how we can reconcile the teaching on emptiness with karma and rebirth.