In this course Lama Sonam gives an introduction to the short practice of White Tara that he received from Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche. This short 4 page text makes it possible to practice White Tara without much ritual and as a regular meditation-practice that doesn’t take much time. White Tara is suitable to be practiced as a meditation-deity, not only for female but also for male practitioners. For women it provides a female deity of the Buddha as an image for awakening. For men it helps to perceive the female aspect of Buddha-mind within themselves.
White Tara combines wisdom and compassion and she enhances one’s vital energies, hence she is called the „Goddess of Longevity“. She is also considered to be a protective deity, averting dangers and untimely death. Although in essence she is identical with Green Tara, she is representing a slightly different energy. The veneration of White Tara harkens back to ages before the time of the Buddha. Here we will familiarize ourselves with a very archaic practice of the Buddha’s female aspect. She is also considered to be the female equivalent of the Bodhisattva of compassion (Avalokiteshvara/Chenresig).
English with German translation.
Additional texts used for daily practice: PDF download