Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche : Key Points of Trekcho I (May 10th-16th, 2025)

In turbulent times, finding our ground within helps us stay balanced and resilient. This retreat will introduce and explore essence love as the ground of the feeling world and innate wisdom awareness as the ground of the mind.

Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche · January 22, 2025

In turbulent times, finding our ground within helps us stay balanced and resilient. This retreat will introduce and explore essence love as the ground of the feeling world and innate wisdom awareness as the ground of the mind.

Essence love or basic OKness is our birthright, always present within as the nature of the feeling world and subtle body. We can get disconnected from it however, and this can result in many problems and much unnecessary suffering.

Innate wisdom awareness is also always present as the nature of the mind. Through not recognizing our true nature, we endlessly wander in confusion. In this retreat, we will explore how to reconnect and actualize these aspects of our nature.


Saturday, May 10th, 2025
8:00 – 9:00am Welcome and teaching

Sunday, May 11th to Thursday, May 15th, 2025
9:30am – 11:30am Teaching
4:00pm – 5:30pm Teaching

Friday May 16th, 2025
9:30am – 11:30am Teaching and farewell

During this course, Rinpoche will spontaneously give “Pointing Out Instructions.” These instructions will NOT be streamed live. Instead, audio and video of the online transmission will be paused for the time of these instructions, estimated to last for about 30 minutes.

Tibetan to English: Adam Kane. Adam has been a student of Tsoknyi Rinpoche for many years and has gained a deep understanding of his teachings through direct contact with Rinpoche.
English to German: Annette Bungers. Annette will translate Rinpoche’s instructions from Adams translation into German.

Legal Note:
Rinpoche’s teachings are broadcast live digitally. A separate technical team has been set up for this purpose. Our goal is to enable real-time transmission. In order to be able to pass on Rinpoche’s valuable teachings to online participants wherever possible, even in the event of technical online disruptions, they are also recorded offline and can be made available temporarily in the event of a disruption. Partial or total reimbursement of costs is excluded in cases of disruption caused by technology. With their binding registration, the online participants agree to this and hereby expressly declare that they waive legal remedies in these cases.
The technical team endeavors to post Rinpoche’s teachings daily on this Online Campus course page so that registered participants can view the teachings again. After approximately 4 weeks, the published videos will be removed from campus and transferred to the Pundarika archive.

About Instructor

Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche

For over three decades, Tsoknyi Rinpoche has been teaching students worldwide about the innermost nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and more recently, how to be a healthy human being with his course, Fully Being. Born into a family respected for its spiritual accomplishments, he was identified while still a small child as the third Tsoknyi Rinpoche and given the special education and upbringing of a tulku, or reincarnate lama. His teachers include some of the most renowned masters of Tibet. Widely recognized as an outstanding meditation teacher, he is the author of many books: Open Heart Open Mind, Carefree Dignity, Fearless Simplicity, Why We Meditate, Ground Path Fruition, How Mindfulness Works and Solid Ground.

4 Courses

Not Enrolled
200,- € - 280,- €