The Distinction between Consciousness and Wisdom (Tib.: namshe yeshe jepa) is a central text of the III Karmapa Rangjung Dorje and a profound explanation of mind, consciousness and wisdom. The text describes the Eight Modes of Consciousness and their function, the nature of the Five Wisdoms, and explains why the natural state of our mind is ultimate wisdom. First we deal with our mind as the cause of delusion and being free from delusion, and then with how we can discover the wisdoms within us.
The course by Acharya Lama Sönam Rabgye includes teachings on this profound text as well as appropriate meditations that allow us to deepen this theme through our own contemplation and experience.
Recommended literature: Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche “Transcending Ego: Distinguishing Consciousness from Wisdom”
English with German translation.
Additional Texts used for daily practrice: PDF Download