Possessions and success, beauty and joy – all these are impermanent. According to the great Tibetan master Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, to be on the path of the Buddha means to let this pain of impermanence approach you in order to attain through it the realisation of the true nature of all being. Those who do not avoid the pain, but develop love and compassion with all suffering beings, including themselves, can step by step reach the open expanse of the mind – true joy.
This video is available on a donation basis. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche has been teaching at Kamalashila Institute for the first time. It is with great joy that we are able to take this event as an opportunity to provide access to his inspiring and precious teachings to many participants without financial restrictions. Participation is on a dana, voluntary donation basis. Every support makes it possible that these teachings can take place also in the future and will be accessible afterwards. May we all come more and more to the liberating realisation of the nature of mind for the benefit of all.
Recommended donation for 2 video-teachings of 4 hours in total: 40 Euros / for supporting members of the Karma Kagyu Association and the Sangha of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche: 32 Euros.
The video is in Tibetan and translated into English.
The title of this course refers to the book of the same name by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche: Sadness, Love, Openness. The Buddhist Path of Joy I © Patmos Verlag. Verlagsgruppe Patmos in der Schwabenverlag AG, Ostfildern 2019 I www.verlagsgruppe-patmos.de.
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche is donating all proceeds from this book to the monks and nuns under his care in Nepal to help reconstruct the monasteries that were damaged in the 2015 earthquake. Order here: Audiobook narrated by Richard Gere!