taught by a great lineage holder of the Kagyü Mahamudra tradition
The Bardo teachings, a presentation of the intermediate states (Tib. Bardo) in which the existence of all living beings occurs, are a core part of Tibetan Buddhism. Hardly any other world religion knows such a differentiated, coherent and at the same time profound presentation of the interaction – and detachment – of mind and body in life, in the dying process and beyond death.
These teachings go back to Padmasambhava (8th century). They were hidden by him for centuries (as terma or treasure texts) and were only found in the 14th century by Tertön Karma Lingpa in a cave in Tibet. Since then they have been taught and spread in all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.
In the West they have been known for almost years (1927) through translations that were titled the “Tibetan Book of the Dead”.
The Bardo teachings, however, are an entire text genre and are not only found in this famous book, which in Tibetan is actually called “Bardo Thödröl” (“liberation through hearing in the intermediate state”). Up until modern times, numerous presentations, commentaries and meditation instructions on the Bardo teachings were written by qualified practitioners and masters.
For preparation, see:
“Mind Beyond Death” by Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche and other works available in bookstores.
A special feature of the Bardo teachings is their connection with the path of Buddhist mind training and meditation practice. Through them, the importance of meditative practice becomes clear as insight into the nature of consciousness and thus as a preparation for the separation of body and mind at the time of death and the continuity of the stream of consciousness in detachment from physical existence.
The Bardo teachings have been taught by qualified lamas at the Kamalashila Institute for decades. They also play a major role in the “Spiritual Care” series of courses on end-of-life care and preparation.
Receiving them in detail from a tradition holder such as the 12th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche is a special opportunity to experience the blessing that lies in these teachings.
Meditation on the Buddha of Boundless Light “Amitabha” is considered as a direct preparation for the experience of the post-mortem Bardo states. At the end of the teachings, Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche therefore will grant an “empowerment” in the style of Vajrayana Buddhism.
English with German translation.