The Three Bardos Experienced as Dream and Death (Module 3)

This weekend will demonstrate the three bardos, that we experience as the incomprehensible dream states and death.

This weekend will demonstrate the three bardos, the intermediate states, phases or intervals, that we experience as the incomprehensible dream states and death. In sleep, the body rests and there is a certain detachment of the mind, resulting in wandering in illusory states of consciousness. This will occur all the more clearly when the consciousness separates again from the body completely, which happens at the end of the dying process. The Bardo teachings describe a disembodied process of experience in which both liberating, enlightened states of consciousness become possible and a wandering in the unresolved mental impressions and tendencies of previous existences, which then eventually triggers impulses for another embodiment.

The three of the six bardos that will be demonstrated this weekend are:

1. bardo of dreaming (mi-lam).

2. bardo of ultimate reality (Tschoe-nyi)

3. bardo of becoming (si-pe)

During this weekend Acharya Lama Kelzang will explain these three states in detail according to these teachings. In doing so, as in the previous course, one will come to understand how the practice of meditation, when practiced deeply, can prepare one for the dying process and the states thereafter, find awakening and either avoid rebirth or make it more positive.

English with German translation.

Additional Texts used for daily practrice: PDF Download

This course is part of a trilogy. You can book the courses separately or in combination.
You can also book:
November, 24 – 26: The Three Bardos Experienced as Life
Februar, 23-25: Dream-Bardo

About Instructor

Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi

Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi is one of the resident lamas at Kamalashila Institute. He was born in Bhutan and studied and taught for 13 years at the Karma Shri Nalanda Monastic University in Rumtek, Sikkim. He received many teachings from H.E. Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. In 2004, Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi first went to the USA, where he still teaches today for Nitartha Institute, and then came to Germany. Since then, he has been living and teaching at Kamalashila Institute, and is visiting Buddhist centers throughout Europe and supervising Kamalashila city groups. He is a competent teacher of Buddhist philosophy and the meditation practices of sutra, tantra and Mahamudra, and an expert of the Abhidharma.

57 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons